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In-Kind Donation Options
In-Kind donations are always needed. We use these in three ways.
1st - We try to help our families locally. Imagine, they don’t get to go out often. We use gift certificates for families as we surprise them with date night or family night gift certificates
2nd - We have many events each year. Typically we have raffle or silent auctions. Your donations help our donors increase their donations at the events. We can never have enough In-kind donations.
3rd - Direct service in-kind- If you can help us with some on our expenses then you will be credited for an in-kind donation. Example: if we have a plumbing issue and your company gives us a discount we will credit your discount as an in-kind donation
All in-kind donation donors will receive a letter of appreciation for tax purposes.
Financial Contributions Include
This is always the best way to assist our work. Donations are always designated to the donors wish. Here are some things to consider:
Fundraisers: You can organize a fundraiser with proceeds directly supporting A Wish Come True. We have had fundraising events such as wine tastings, candle sales, fish fry's, Portuguese Meals, Clam Boils....all for a great cause.
For more ideas contact Mary-Kate O'Leary at 401-781-9199.
Tributes: You may honor a person in a very special way by making a donation in their name to A Wish Come True. Maybe in honor of someone’s birthday, anniversary, holiday or other special occasion. We will send the honoree a card acknowledging your gift.
Memorials: Make a gift in lieu of flowers in memory of a friend or loved on who has passed away. WE will acknowledge your gift to the family. Call us to request envelopes or talk to the funeral director and we will get them envelopes.
Matching Gifts: Check to see if your employer does matching gifts. They often do and this is a way to make your donation go even further to help a child’s wish.
Planning and Estate Giving: A Wish Come True has to plan for the future as well. Consider an insurance policy or placing us in your will. For more information contact the Executive Director at 401-781-9199.
Amazon: We often shop on Amazon but did you know if you shop on Amazonsmile a portion of the purchase prices goes to the charity of your choice?
Meghan K. Duffy Memorial Hardship Fund for Families: We know the Wishes we provide are magical and build memories to last a life time. We also know that our families go back to their difficult reality once the wish is complete. They have asked us for assistance and we have created the Meghan K. Duffy Memorial Hardship Fund. This restricted fund will be used to help families when they are struggling to purchase groceries, pay electric bills or rent etc. Unfortunately, this happens too often!
How can you volunteer?
What makes your heart sing? Volunteering that makes a difference? We have many opportunities for volunteering:
Fundraising for Families: We have multiple events throughout the year. We need volunteers to help with organizing and planning events and we need help seeking donations to make our events successful. Volunteers are often needed on the day/evening of the event.
Office Help: There are always projects needed done in the office. Some things include: filing, organizing, cleaning, gardening, wrapping gifts, preparing bags etc.
Help us make wishes come true
Many companies want to participate in helping the community. Want to plan a dress down day at the office? Or how about a Paint and Sip Event? We are in need or companies/individuals to help us coordinate events and have us as the beneficiary. We can bring families/kids to help you have a huge success. For more information contact Mary-Kate at
Help us directly
Our families are struggling financially due to the medical needs of their child. They are trying to do the best they can to pay their bills and have enough food on the table for their family. This past holiday season we had families tell us they didn’t have enough money to have a Thanksgiving Meal or Christmas presents for all their kids. You can help us directly with this. Call and we will assign you a family and their needs.
Become a sponsor
Companies/people can directly sponsor a Wish Child/Family. We identify the Wish Family for your to support. You will receive a brief description of the Wish Child, their age, where they are from and what their wish will be. You can then rally the troops to help raise enough money for that wish.
Ways to help
No one chooses to be sick. It can happen to any of your fellow students and you can do something about it. Sometimes it isn’t the quantity of the amount of the gift but the quantity of those involved.
Peer to Peer Fundraising: You can join us by creating your own peer to peer fundraising page to support A Wish Come True Wish Kids
Facebook Event: Raise money for your birthday and put it towards a great cause
Get sponsored for our Polar Plunge - Have your family and friends contribute to your fundraising efforts when you take the plunge on New Years Day.
School Engagement: Get your classmates involved. Spirit Week? Pennies for a Cause? We need your help and this is an easy way to do it. Have a softball or volleyball tournament for a cause. Community Service is where it is at and Colleges want to see that you give back. We are here to help you organize it.